The Estate of Cornelius Kennedy 1829

The deponent Philip Realley of Harbor Grace Newfoundland Shoreman maketh oath

that Cornelius Kennedy late of Carbonear Fisherman was drowned at the Labrador, near Battle Harbor in the month of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight and this deponent is the first cousin to the deceased Cornelius Kennedy and the nearest of kin to the said deceased Cornelius Kennedy now residing in the Colony of Newfoundland. This deponent does swear that to the best of his knowledge and belief there is a sum of money , being wage, due to the Intestate. Estate of the said deceased Cornelius Kennedy

by Owen Hamilton and which cannot be recovered without process at law this deponent is ready to enter into the usual bonds as Administrator to the said Estate of the said Intestate.

Sworn to at Harbor Grace this 23 May 1829

John Stark

Clerk and Registrar

Northern Circuit Court

Philip X(his mark)Rielley

Harbor Grace 23 May 1829


I have the honor to transmit to be laid before their lordships the application by the usual Affidavit and also by special Affidavit of Philip Rielley, for Administration to the Intestate Estate of Cornelius Kennedy.

I have the honor to be in Sir Your Obedient Servant

_John Stark___________________

Clerk and Registrar

Northern Circuit Court

James Blaikie

Supreme Court of Newfoundland

Harbor Grace

to wit:

I Philip Rielley of Harbor Grace, shoreman do swear that I believe Cornelius Kennedy late of Carbonear Fisherman

deceased, died without a Will; and that I will well and truly administer all and every the Goods, Chattels and Effects of the said deceased; and well and truly account for all such Goods, Chattels, and Effects of the account for all such Goods, Chattels and Effects of the said Deceased as shall come into my hands or possession, or into the hands or possession of any person for me; and render to this Court a full and correct statement of all your proceedings herein, within Twelve Months from the date hereof, or when I shall be thereunto lawfully required; and that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits and Effects of the said Deceased, which he died possessed of, within the jurisdiction of this Court, do not, according to the best of my knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of Nineteen Pounds Sterling.

Philip X(his mark) Rielley

Sworn at Harbor Grace

the twenty third day of

May in the Year of

our Lord One Thousand

Eight Hundred and

twenty nine

John Stark

Clerk and Registrar

Northern Circuit Court


Obtained by Colleen Haynes LDS film# 2056192. Transcribed by Joanne Connors. 2004